Judicial Reform

1Action Plan for the Reform of the Law Faculty at Tirana University (1999) - World Bank
The action plan aimed at redressing the bad situation at the Tirana Law Faculty by providing for a detailed reform plan covering a period of four years.
2Law on High Council of Justice (2000) - OSFA-Soros Foundation
Drafting of new law on High Council of Justice after successful lobbying with Minister of Justice and President's office.
3Citizens Guide to Albanian Judicial System (2001) - East-West Management Institute/ USAID
A book that brings together practical information aimed of enabling ordinary citizens to effectively cruise through the labyrinth of the judicial system.
4Legal System in Albania (2002)
A series of consultancies in the framework of the World Bank team for the upgrading of Albanian Judiciary.
5Albanian Legislation database/ Software/CDs (2002) - East west Management Institute/ USAID
Preparation and dissemination of CDs comprising all effective legislation in Albania.
6Needs Assessment & Action Plan of Reform on the Albanian School of Magistrates (2003) - DANIDA/ ABA CEELI
A Needs Assessment Analysis and a four- years Action Plan prepared by IPLS to allow for the reform of the Albanian School of Magistrates.
7Legal Systems that Better Support Democratic Processes and Market Reforms (2003) - USAID/ CASALS
Consulting services for the implementation of the USAID Rule of Law program in Albania (three years program). IPLS, subcontracted by CASALS, contributed in four components (out of seven): -Strengthening the judicial inspection in Ministry of Justice & High Council of Justice (Technical Assistance) -Assist in the Preparation of Implementation Acts for Freedom of Information Law -Assist in the Preparation of Implementation Acts for Administrative Procedure Code - Assist in the Preparation and Implementation of a Press Law.
8Training of the Albanian Appellate Court Judges on Adjudicating Electoral Disputes-2005 Elections” Project (2005) - OSCE
The project consisted of: -preparing and distributing a practitioner’s guide (manual) for the electoral judges -preparing the judges to anticipate the typology of electoral complaints referred for judicial review; -introduce the judges to the doctrinal standards regulating judicial review of administrative action -assisting the judges to master the techniques of judicial review of administrative action -preparing and distributing a report on court proceedings for the adjudication of electoral disputes during the upcoming parliamentary election
9Action Plan for the Judicial Inspectorate of the High Council of Justice (2003) - DANIDA
Institutional building exercise, including needs assessment, action plan and manual, on the Albanian Judicial Inspectorate at the High Council of Justice.
10Baseline Study of the Albanian Judiciary (2003) - DANIDA
A thorough institutional needs assessment, standards setting and set of recommendations for improvement of current Albanian court system.
11Assessment Report on USAID programs in Albania, 2000-2003 - USAID
An impact assessment of USAID programs in Albania since 2000, and recommendations for change into the remaining 2003-2006 period. The assessment focused on all areas under USAID Democracy and Governance programs, notably rule of law, anti-corruption and civil society development.
12Survey of Court Users (2003) - World Bank
A survey of Tirana Appeal Court, Supreme Court and Durresi District Court has been conducted as a pilot project on WB funding. The survey was conducted with simple applicants as well as lawyers and prosecutors in order to bring together different perspectives/perceptions on the functioning of the Albanian court system. Analysis and recommendations based on findings of survey were also provided.
13Fair Trial and Human Rights (three years program) (2006) - NOSA-SOROS Foundation
Monitoring the observance of human rights in Albanian courts by focusing on three elements: access of parties to courts, judicial proceedings and overall transparency of courts. -Advocacy activities for a better observance of the constitutional rights of parties to judicial proceedings.
14OSFA, Rule of Law and Human Rights Program- "Government Accountability vis-à-vis Judicial Decisions" (2013) - OSFA-Soros Foundation
IPLS is in the process of implementing a Court Users' Satisfaction Survey with support from the Open Society Foundation for Albania. The survey is based on a methodology and a questionnaire developed by CEPEJ (European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice). The aim of the exercise is to capture the viewpoint of the court users such as parties, private attorneys and court experts (judges and prosecutors are not included in the first round) on the major aspects of the courts' business including ease of access to the court services, length of proceedings and overall court transparency. IPLS chose to use the CEPEJ developed questionnaire with a view to having results that are comparable to those in other European countries. The survey is conceived to be a regular exercise delivered on year by year basis, thus providing early indicators on trends and developments. Furthermore, we expect our regular findings on courts users' satisfaction to underpin policy processes and decision making concerning the judicial system.