Outcome 3.2.4
“NBI is established and its activity is consolidated”.
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is a specialized structure of the Judicial Police, which investigates criminal offenses in the criminal jurisdiction of the Special Prosecution Office.
The final outcome that is desired to be achieved in order to complete the prosecution system is the establishment and consolidation of NBI, an investigative structure that was lacking until 2020[1]. Due to SPAK’s significant lack of human resources and the need to have this very important link of the investigative process functional as soon as possible, this outcome has an urgent need to be met.
Consolidation of its activity means that NBI is performing its duties in a completely sustainable manner, due to a clear and complete structure and staff, according to the developed and approved rules and instructions, and with professionalism.
In fulfillment of this outcome, the CJS II plan of measures includes a total of two measures, which will be analyzed below.
Conclusion: This result requires the creation and consolidation of the link that has been missing so far and is a novelty for Albania – the NBI. Achieving this result is an important step for the investigation.
[1]Author’s note: After the establishment of the Special Prosecution Office and the start of operation of this Prosecution Office on December 19, 2019, the process of selecting the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation was the most important process organized in the Special Prosecution Office, in terms of setting up the National Bureau of Investigation. The High Prosecutorial Council, with decision No. 183, of July 30, 2020 has appointed the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, for a five-year term, which starts from September 01, 2020. Immediately after the start of the work of the NBI Director, the procedure for the selection of NBI investigators began, which could not be completed within 2020 and in April 2021 a new announcement was made for the opening of thirty-two vacancies for investigators.