Measure 4.1.11

Measure 4.1.11

“Training of judges/prosecutors/inspectors and administrative staff on the use of the new case management system”

Finally, in order to have a functioning case management system, its users (judges/prosecutors/inspectors, and relevant administrative staff) need to be trained on the use of the new system. Therefore, this measure is in coherence with measures 4.1.1 and 4.1.8, as well as in line with Outcome 4.1.1 and Specific Objective 4.1.

Knowledge of system features as well as correct use of systems is essential to have an efficiently managed case management system. In this respect, the measure is necessary and realistic.


Conclusion: The above measures (4.1.1,, 4.1.8 and 4.1.11) that are intended to be taken in order to achieve Outcome 4.1.1 are a logical continuation of each-other and their joint application is necessary to enable the outcome . The measures are clearly formulated and do not create confusion with the outome; they are in line with Strategic Objective 4.1. We only suggest a revision of measure 4.1.8 in relation to 4.1.11 to avoid overlaps.