Measure 1.3.3

Measure 1.3.3

“Justice inspectors’ capacity building and strengthening through job-specific training”.

Measure 1.3.3 is the next step in relation to increasing the capacity of inspectors/staff. It is very important that the staff knows well and correctly understands the legal framework, inspection methodology, investigation techniques, etc. This can be achieved through training dedicated to various aspects of the work depending on the respective task (immediate inspections in case of suspected ethical-professional violations or thematic inspections that should be planned long before). During the first year of its existence, HIJ has organized and also been provided by various donors many training courses dedicated to the correct understanding of the catalog of disciplinary violations, ECtHR standards for disciplinary proceedings against magistrates, etc.

Over time, the high number of trainings during the first years of the institution’s existence will naturally start to decrease, as it is considered that the staff is trained to a satisfactory level to perform their tasks. In this regard, importance should be given to follow-up training courses on increasing performance and efficiency, in accordance with the needs. This measure coincides with Specific Objective 1.5 “Increasing the professional knowledge and skills of inspectors and civil servants, so that each of them, in their respective position, can efficiently fulfill their functional tasks” of the 2020 -2022 Strategic Plan of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice. Whereas the activity “Capacity building through job- specific training ” is seen as a measure whose deadline is 2021, while the cooperation with ASPA, the School of Magistrates and foreign experts on providing training and developing training terms are seen as follow-up activities.

In this regard we could say that capacity building is towards completion, while the objective could be further capacity building through ongoing training aimed at enhancing staff performance.

Conclusion: In light of the above, it may be necessary to reformulate the measure taking into account the lifetime of the HIJ, and the time when CJS II was adopted, as this may constitute a partially fulfilled measure that does not have the relevance it was expected to have, especially for the capacity-building aspect. Consequently, this measure can be replaced by a more realistic measure related to ongoing training to strengthen and further increase capacities. Moreover, the aim of CJS II according to its drafters is not to duplicate the measures of sectoral strategies[1].

[1]See SNDII, pp. 13