Outcome 4.1.5

Outcome 4.1.5

”Other justice institutions, including subordinate institutions, rely on the development of their information technology solutions, including coordination with the Information Technology Center”

Due to the way it is formulated, this result is unclear. First, the sentence in which the Outcome is expressed is incomplete and does not clarify what is expected of its fulfillment in the context of Specific Objective 4.1. Second, the type and nature of support is not clearly identified. It also mentions ‘other justice institutions’ as well as ‘subordinate institutions’, making the target group for this outcome evasive. The wording should be clarified by giving an orientation or using an accompanying term to identify ‘other institutions’ or ‘subordinate institutions’ which are not clear. Uncertainty in the wording of this outcome makes it difficult to identify measures that serve its achievement. It seems that Measures 4.1.14 and 4.1.15 refer to this outcome, however, read in their entirety (Outcome and Measures), it does not clarify whether the “case management system” to be maintained by the MoJ and subordinate institutions refers to the court/prosecution office management system, or other system managed by the MoJ and its subordinate institutions.

Conclusion: Uncertainty in the wording of this Outcome (relevance to Specific Objective 4.1, the notion of support and subordinate institutions) makes it difficult to identify indicators that will measure the outcome’s achievement.