Measure 3.2.14
“Training of SPAK institutional capacities (training events/workshops)”.
This measure stipulates that SPAK shall carry out the training process for the institution’s administration staff. Although this measure has been provided in CJS I, specifically measure 4.02 f, “Training of SPAK members and administrative staff. Establishment of pilot curricula/ training”, it is still necessary to include it in CJS II, as a result of the partial functioning of SPAK throughout CJS I, both in terms of time and human resources.
It is appropriate to emphasize the importance of training for this institution. In the Constitution, and further in the law, SPAK is designed as an investigative body that is characterized by the fact that it is a specialized body. Thus, the SPAK should be composed of the best professionals in the field, who should undergo specialized training to be able to operate as employees who use any kind of advanced and special methods for the detection, prosecution and punishment of criminal offenses for which they are responsible. The administrative staff of SPAK also has difficulties of a special nature, due to the restriction of some essential elements of their rights, which is a result of their work in this institution. All employees must meet special conditions, provided by special law, to be suitable for these positions.
Also, SPAK, more specifically the Head of the Special Prosecution and heads of departments, perform the administrative supervision tasks related to hiring, training, disciplining and conducting performance evaluations of employees and experts of the Special Prosecution Office, and assigning them to work with prosecutors.
Conclusion: This measure continues to be relevant, although it has been foreseen in CJS I. This is because of the delay in the establishment of SPAK and the partial functioning of SPAK so far both in terms of the number of prosecutors and support staff and infrastructure.