Outcome 4.4.4

Outcome 4.4.4

“The capacities of the MoJ and sectoral institutions to manage the new Instrument for Pre-Accession and other modalities of EU support have been properly developed and the justice sector receives significant financial support from these funds.”

In order to absorb high value funds, all institutions of the justice system must be up to the standard in terms of their capacity. Several prerequisites must be met for this. A prerequisite relates to the professional level of human resources that must have sufficient knowledge, as well as the appropriate level of training. This is observed in some ministries, such as the one for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance that have retained their human resources, while for the Ministry of Justice, which has had a large turnover in human resources, professional capacity building is more than necessary. Another prerequisite is related to the existence of specialized structures within the institutions, as well as the level of awareness of their employees regarding the importance of this outcome.

As per the above, this outcome is in compliance with Objective 4.4.

CJS II does not provide an indicator for measuring this outcome. Meanwhile, the following can serve as an indicator “% of funds absorbed by the EU”.

Conclusion: This is a very important result as it is related to having the right human and institutional capacities to absorb as much funding as possible from all institutions of the justice system and to manage them efficiently. We suggest to include as an indicator “% of funds absorbed by the EU”.