Measure 4.4.8

Measure 4.4.8

“Capacity building of MoJ and independent justice institutions (HJC, HPC, HIJ, GPO, SoM) to prepare and manage IPA III funds”.

The measure is needed to be undertaken related to the development of the capacities of MoJ, HJC, HPC, HIJ, GPO, SoM to manage IPA III funds. IPA III is a mechanism/instrument of pre-accession to the EU. This instrument has its own features with which institutions such as HIJ, HJC, HPC, GPO and SoM should be familiarized. Consequently, the measure is current. It is also seen as necessary in achieving Outcome 4.4.4. as well as in fulfilling Objective 4.4.

Conclusion: This measure is in line with the result 4.4.4. At the same time this is a realistic measure, as the capacities in the institutions of the justice system can (and should) be developed in the coming years. This is a process that has been carried out in other countries before their EU membership (such as Croatia, etc.). Capacities can be developed through dedicated training on this issue.