Measure 1.3.4

Measure 1.3.4

“Development of analysis reports of working groups for the identification and categorization of complaints carried over by other institutions, according to their topic”.

Item 1.3.4 includes as a necessary measure the categorization of complaints carried over. This is nothing more than developing a methodology to address the backlog. From the way it is formulated, it seems that there is an overlap with the measure 1.2.12 mentioned above (1.2.12 “Preparation of an HIJ operational plan for handling backlog complaints”).

This measure also coincides with the HIJ 2020-2022 Strategic Plan, specifically with measure 1 “Establishment of working groups to identify and categorize complaints carried over by other institutions“, and “Priority review of complaints according to the findings of working groups for the identification and categorization of complaints carried over by other institutions, according to their topic” which are in fulfillment of Specific Objective 2.4 “Increasing the number of complaints handled in accordance with legal deadlines”. These measures have a deadline of December 2020 and March 2021, respectively. Therefore, we should review how relevant is measure 1.3.4 with the activity of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice and the current backlog.

We also suggest that the strategy should divide into specific objectives the accountability of the judiciary, part of which are decisions made in the context of disciplinary processes, addressing of complaints, reviewing the backlog, with the increase of HIJ capacity and their compliance with standards while performing their activities. A clearer distinction is required between Objective 1.3 and the accountability of the judiciary included in the measures under Objective 2.4.

Conclusion: Regarding the above, it is suggested to review/reformulate this measure in relation to measure 1.2.12 as well as with the measures foreseen in the 2020 -2022 Strategic Plan of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice, in order to avoid any ambiguity in the implementation, as well as to make it relevant to the current situation. We also suggest a clearer division between the Objectives, Measures and Outcomes related to the strengthening of HIJ capacities, with those related to the accountability of the judiciary (which is reflected, among other things, in the decisions made by the HIJ on disciplinary violations), stipulated within Policy Goal 2.