Measure 3.2.12

Measure 3.2.12

“Consolidation of human resources for the full functioning of the NBI (60+ administrative capacities)”.

This measure is about staffing (director, deputy director, investigators, Judicial Police service officers and NBI administrative staff), ensuring their sustainability and financial remuneration[1].


Conclusion: Making the NBI operational is an essential measure for the progress of the investigative process, so it is relevant and urgent to be implemented. The deadline set in the CJS II Action Plan – by the end of 2022 – is appropriate and achievable.

[1]In March 2021, the Assembly adopted significant additions to Law 95/2016 to increase and enhance the financial remuneration of the NBI Director, Deputy Director, investigators and the civil court clerks in the Special Courts for Corruption and Organized Crime, in the Special Prosecution Office and in the National Bureau of Investigation. These additions were necessary to guarantee an independent investigation system against any political influence, impartial, accountable, fair and professional.