Measure 4.1.3

Measure 4.1.3

“Improving the data processing center”.

This measure in terms of how it is formulated seems somewhat vague. The concept of data center is not clear, as well as what is intended by improving it.

The data processing center is not provided in Law no. 115/2016. The latter provides in its Article 92 “Information Technology Center for the justice system”. Item 2 of Article 92 also mentions the improvement of data as an authority of this Center. Meanwhile, DCM no. 972 of December 02, 2020 was approved, titled ‘On the organization, functioning and determination of the authorities of the Information Technology Center for the justice system’, with which this Center was established, and the decision ‘On the approval of rules for general state policies for the information technology system for the justice system’.

If this measure is related to the obligations arising from Article 92 of Law no. 115/2016, it is suggested that it be reformulated and clarified. Also, the above developments should be taken into consideration and serve as a connecting point for the drafting of the measure.

Data processing is one of the biggest and most problematic shortcomings of the justice system. The data reported by courts and prosecution offices are, for the most part, extracted and processed manually in the relevant registers. Very little data is generated electronically, which, for the sake of their accuracy, need to be frequently verified with data extracted from manual registers.


Conclusion: Given the way it is formulated, this measure remains unclear as long as the concept “Data Processing Center” is not provided in Law no. 115/2016 ‘On the governance of the justice system’. It is not understood where the data processing center will exist and what data will be stored and processed in this center; only records of courts, or those of the prosecution offices and HIJ as well? It is suggested to clarify this measure in order to be as measurable and achievable as possible.